Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hmmmm so yeah, I got the best/worst news ever. What will come of this? I thought I was making new beginnings that were going a certain way and but it seems they took a turn to a different path. Should I follow my heart or my destiny? That is quite the tough question. I'll give it a week and see what things look like. A lot can change in a week. A lot can change in a day, but more can change in a moment.

"I'm stuck in the moment and my heart sets the current. Where waves feel more like a drip?
My door is always open, but you never seem to step in. Hesitation stains your lips.
Where do we go from here? Where do we go from here?"

1 comment:

L. Savoy said...

i'm just gonna say that you're terrible at blogging.
just terrible.

get to writing!!