Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Hour Is Late

This scene feels so unfamiliar. 3am at 3am, the highlight of a year, the end of a good thing, the birth of a song that I feel truly defines who and where I am in life. Conversation is the gateway to the truth and to the feelings that reveal them. For something that felt so one sided at first, it no longer feels that way. Even if the situations I am in don't support that statement. I keep making promises, and I will do everything I can to keep them. I've said this before, a lot can change in a year, a lot can change in a day, but even more can change in a moment.

I'm not in the sleeping mood tonight. The hour is late and I'm saying things I shouldn't say. I am in love with someone I shouldn't be in love with. More than miles separate at this point. I feel I might not be able to turn the page, turn the page, turn the paige. I'll keep reaching out, I'll keep waiting. I've got promises promises to keep. I'm slowed by these cuts, these wounds. These open wounds, they never heal the way they're supposed to. I will try though. With all the things I've learned. I will try, cause this loving you in secret wont do. Would it matter? Would you even know this is about you...

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