Sunday, September 25, 2011

Books do a body good.

This is more of a personal update. I'm thinking I'm going to start working out again. I have seriously let my health get out of hand. I've developed a routine for my workout. I've been missing two very important things in my life as of late. I haven't been staying healthy and I haven't been reading like I used to. It's been years since I sat down and read 300 pages of something. I've discovered that novels tend to bore me. It's not that I have no imagination, it's just that I feel no furtherance of knowledge. I feel like I'm not learning. So I will be running to public library every morning and run back. While I'm there I will read books I used to. Textbook-like in nature. I've started simple, a modest 200 page book over American History. Time to get my big brain back. Who know's maybe it will help me write. On a side note, "When You're Not Around" is my new favorite song on my bands upcoming record. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Omg books! I think this is a great idea. If you are looking for nonfiction and something to make you think, I suggest "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. I often re-read it when I'm between books and I always learn something new. - Kaysi

a.rivera said...

I've read that already, My good friend Aaron Richmond suggested it years ago, I really liked it, If I recall, I think I may have mentioned it in a blog post a long ways back.