Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Needless to say I am exhausted. Exhausted... I love that word. Mainly because it sounds like what it is. I can't remember the last time I was this tired. It is definitely something I can get used to though. I was listening to a song last night "Happiness" by The Fray. What is happiness? Is it a state of being happy? Full of laughter? An absent of sadness? The truth is "happiness is a lot like sorrow, you can't make it come or go" It comes when it wants, and it leaves just the same. I am truly a happy person at the moment. There are still however, a few things weighing me down. The lack of happiness isn't one of them.

The absence of my family, constant struggles with a friend, a current situation, the uncertainty of pursuing music. These are the things that make me nervous. I don't know why I started writing in this thing again. All I know is that I feel much better after writing. Sometimes I wonder who reads this, and I wonder if it helps them know me better. I have been told by more than one person that for some reason, the things I write have pertinence to more than just myself. I was told my words, my thoughts, my outlook are things that people listen too. I don't know why either.

I can't seem to go the piano room at MSU and not feel inspired. Just the other day, I was there with someone and was overwhelmed with a need to write, and again last night. I felt a heart beat... really beat. It was astounding. It made me want to write something that fit the rhythm I heard.
Here goes nothing...
May 11th 2010


katakluzo said...

alright, I'm on board for this, at least for a while. The word 'wise' puts a lot of pressure on a guy, but we'll see what happens. I posted a quote from A Tale of Two Cities: Sydney Carton confessing his love for Ms. Manette after she's gotten engaged to Charles Darnay. I hope you know the story, but if you don't, rent the movie some day--probably the best Christ-like figure in all of literature and the guy's a rotten drunk. It's beautiful. Next time I comment it'll actually have something to do with what you've said, promise.

a.rivera said...

Love it... Thanks for the words. I'll be reading it now.